Saturday, May 31, 2014

Mimic Octopus

The name Mimic Octopus comes from the fact that they tend to copy the behaviors of other types of fish in the water! They use this tactic to confuse there predators. The Mimic Octopus is not very big and not known to be poisonous.

Mimic Octopus
(Image credit

The Mimic Octopus is a very interesting animal and can blend in with its surrounding like a chameleon.The area this octopus was first found was off the coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia by a group of scientists in the 1990's and was thought to only inhabit the islands of Indonesia. That theory was soon proved wrong by Diana Belton who spotted a Mimic Octopus on some sand near the Great Barrier Reef. This Octopus's maximum length 2 feet with tentacles up to 25 inches with a diameter of about the size of a pencil.   

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