Friday, August 1, 2014

Mimic Octopus

The name Mimic Octopus comes from the fact that they tend to copy the behaviors of other types of fish in the water! They use this tactic to confuse there predators. The Mimic Octopus is not very big and not known to be poisonous.

Mimic Octopus
(Image credit

The Mimic Octopus is a very interesting animal and can blend in with its surrounding like a chameleon.The area this octopus was first found was off the coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia by a group of scientists in the 1990's and was thought to only inhabit the islands of Indonesia. That theory was soon proved wrong by Diana Belton who spotted a Mimic Octopus on some sand near the Great Barrier Reef. This Octopus's maximum length 2 feet with tentacles up to 25 inches with a diameter of about the size of a pencil.   
Does anyone have any questions about identification or want to know about ocean fish or even freshwater i am sure i can help.

Leopard Whiperay

The Leopard Whip Ray is a little known species of stingray found in the Indian and Pacific oceans, from South America to Australia. The Whip Ray species do not have stingers so are therefor pretty much harmless. The Leopard Whip Ray is diamond shaped and can grow to a width of 5.9 feet. The Whip Ray's tail is longer than its whole body, this picture below is of i young Leopard Whip Ray. Leopard whipray

Irukandji Jellyfish

The Irukandji Jellyfish the second most poisonous jellyfish in the world, which is surprising because it is only as big as your fingernail! The symptoms of non-fatal stings include  muscle cramps, vomiting, severe pain in the back and kidneys, burning sensation in skin and face, headache, and increased heart rate. These jellyfish live in Australia, Florida, Japan, and the British Isles. These Tiny Jellyfish are only 5 millimeters long with tentacles up to 3 feet long. 

Minke Whale

Minke Whales are a cold water species of baleen whale. Minke Whales are mostly spotted in the north and in the south, Antarctic and Arctic. Minke whales are the second smallest baleen whale, growing to only 30-35 feet long. These Whales before taking long dives usually take small one or two minute dives before they take a large (breath) and dive down for more than 20 minutes. When diving these whales make a large ark with there back and the maximum speed they have been seen swimming at is 24 MPH!

Yellow Stingray

The Yellow Stingray is a tropical ray and is found in the tropical Western Atlantic from North Carolina to Trinidad. It usually inhabits muddy, sandy or even sea grassy areas. It is usually found near inshore coral reefs. This species can rapidly change color to improve its camouflage. The Yellow Stingray usually ffeds during the day on invertebrates and bony fish. While hunting it can open its mouth  to look like a cave for shelter seeking reef dwellers. This Stingray has a venomous spine though humans are immune it can inflict aRay with numerous fine, dark vermiculations on an almost white background, blending in with the sand it's resting on
 painful injury to a human or a deadly spear to a fish. The Yellow Stingray is small, growing no longer than 14 inches across and 28 inches long. The Yellow Stingray's mouth is nearly a straight line and there are 30-34 tooth rows on the upper jaw and a similar number on the bottom.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Porcupine Pufferfish

The Porcupine Pufferfish is also called the Blow Fish, and are in the family of Diodontidae. The Porcupine pufferfish is a medium to large sized fish and usually travels in schools. These fish are found in temperate and tropical seas around the world. Porcupine Pufferfish have the ability to inflate to twice there size to scare off predators and even if it is eaten it sometimes eats its way out of the stomach.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Oarfish are huge long animals that live deep in the depths of the sub-tropical and temperate ocean. The stories of the Oarfish struck fear into many people as it looks like a sea serpent, a 36 foot long sea serpent. However, the Oarfish is a gentle giant and not a serpent. The Oarfish is the longest bony fish in the world and occasionally beaches after storms. If you want to hear some of the stories about this amazing creature look up the tale of the Serpent of Gloucester however this was one of the many false tales that describe the creature as gruesome and snakelike.   


Oarfish are huge long animals that live deep in the depths of the sub-tropical and temperate ocean. The stories of the Oarfish struck fear into many people as it looks like a sea serpent, a 36 foot long sea serpent. However, the Oarfish is a gentle giant and not a serpent. The Oarfish is the longest bony fish in the world and occasionally beaches after storms. If you want to hear some of the stories about this amazing creature look up the tale of the Serpent of Gloucester however this was one of the many false tales that describe the creature as gruesome and snakelike.   

Minke Whale

Minke Whales are a cold water species of baleen whale. Minke Whales are mostly spotted in the north and in the south, Antarctic and Arctic. Minke whales are the second smallest baleen whale, growing to only 30-35 feet long. These Whales before taking long dives usually take small one or two minute dives before they take a large (breath) and dive down for more than 20 minutes. When diving these whales make a large ark with there back and the maximum speed they have been seen swimming at is 24 MPH!

Irukandji Jellyfish

The Irukandji Jellyfish the second most poisonous jellyfish in the world, which is surprising because it is only as big as your fingernail! The symptoms of non-fatal stings include  muscle cramps, vomiting, severe pain in the back and kidneys, burning sensation in skin and face, headache, and increased heart rate. These jellyfish live in Australia, Florida, Japan, and the British Isles. These Tiny Jellyfish are only 5 millimeters long with tentacles up to 3 feet long. 

Ocean Sunfish

The Ocean Sunfish is an odd looking fish, it has to gigantic fins one on the top and one on the bottom. The Ocean Sunfish or Mola Mola is the heaviest bony fish in the world, it has an average weight of 2200 pounds! There diet consists of mostly jellyfish and a lot of it. Ocean Sunfish are considered a delicacy among peoples and apparently also to Sharks, Killer Whales, and Sea Lions. Ocean Sunfish have been records up to 10 feet 6 inches in length and 14 feet tall!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Atlantic Tarpon

Tarpon are huge animals, I should know my brother was feeding one and nearly got his finger chopped off. These animals are native to the Atlantic and the other species are native to the Indo-Pacific. Atlantic Tarpon are not only in the Atlantic they are also in the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and Florida. these monsters are usually found from 6-8 feet long and from 60-280 pounds. These fish are very challenging to catch because  of there amazing jumping abilities. 


Frogfish are part of the anglerfish family, they also have the illicium or rod and on the top the esca or lure. Frogfish are found in almost all subtropical and tropical oceans all over the world. Frogfish come in all different vibrant colors from pink to blue and sometimes both! These fish wait in camouflage until a fish crosses there path then rapidly gulps it down. These fish are semi-deep sea fish that travel to depths of up to 300 feet. Some of the species do look poisonous but that is there trick most of them are NOT poisonous.

Bicolour Parrotfish

The Bicolour Parrrotfish is found in the Indo-Pacific, including the Red Sea. The Bicolour Parrotfish is very colorful and is a coral reef fish. When the predators come to the reef at night the parrotfish hides itself in a whole and makes a net of mucus to trap its scent when the current come in so the predators are fooled. You can see this fish making the mucus net during some of the National Geographic shows. The Bicolour Parrotfish is the biggest parrotfish known, it is known to grow up to 90 centimeters.


The Arapaima is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world and is the largest freshwater fish in South America. The Arapaima lives mostly in rivers such as the Amazon and the Essequibo. The Arapaima can commonly be found around 6 feet long but some reach over 8 feet. The World Record fish for this species was 440 pounds and 15 feet! This fish is hunted for food by the natives because it is so big and very tasty. The Arapaima is shaped like a torpedo with grey scales in the front and red scales around its tail. The Arapaima's tail is like a sea snake's, very long and flat. The man on the left is Jeremy Wade.  


The Coelacanth was thought to be extinct along with all the dinosaurs millions of years ago but little did we know they were lurking in the depths the whole time. The Coelacanth is part of a rare order of fish known as the Latimeria, along with the Coelacanth  this order involves two other extinct species of fish, the West Indian Coelacanth and the Indonesian Coelacanth. This species is also called the Living Fossil as a nick name. The Coelacanth can grow up to 1.8 meters in length. The Coelacanth uses the ocean currents to use less energy and to find food easier by just drifting and keeping stable through the water.

Glob Fish

The Glob fish also known as the Blob Fish is a deep sea fish that lives usually from 2000 and 3900 feet (600-1200 meters). The fish has a gas bladder which allows the fish to float above the sea floor without using energy to swim. The flesh of this fish is very much like hard jello and looks just like a pink blob hence the name Globfish (Blob fish).  This fish in my opinion is just a fat couch potato because it has a relative lack of muscles and all it does is wait for food to go in front of its mouth then chomp.


The Sheapshead is a saltwater fish that reaches up to 30 inches but is more commonly found at 10 to 20 inches.The Sheapshead is, in my opinion one of the best fish i have ever tasted. Its diet consists of oysters, clams, barnacles, fiddler crab, and other crustaceans. A good place to fish for this species is on a small bridge with barnacles or clams near by, for bait you should use shrimp, clams, or sand fleas. These fish fight very hard by using there skinny shape to pull against you, they are usually range from 3-4 pounds but some people claim to have caught them from 10-15 pounds which is quiet possible.

Yellow Stingray

The Yellow Stingray is a tropical ray and is found in the tropical Western Atlantic from North Carolina to Trinidad. It usually inhabits muddy, sandy or even sea grassy areas. It is usually found near inshore coral reefs. This species can rapidly change color to improve its camouflage. The Yellow Stingray usually ffeds during the day on invertebrates and bony fish. While hunting it can open its mouth  to look like a cave for shelter seeking reef dwellers. This Stingray has a venomous spine though humans are immune it can inflict aRay with numerous fine, dark vermiculations on an almost white background, blending in with the sand it's resting on
 painful injury to a human or a deadly spear to a fish. The Yellow Stingray is small, growing no longer than 14 inches across and 28 inches long. The Yellow Stingray's mouth is nearly a straight line and there are 30-34 tooth rows on the upper jaw and a similar number on the bottom.

Leopard Whip Ray

The Leopard Whip Ray is a little known species of stingray found in the Indian and Pacific oceans, from South America to Australia. The Whip Ray species do not have stingers so are therefor pretty much harmless. The Leopard Whip Ray is diamond shaped and can grow to a width of 5.9 feet. The Whip Ray's tail is longer than its whole body, this picture below is of i young Leopard Whip Ray. Leopard whipray

Mimic Octopus

The name Mimic Octopus comes from the fact that they tend to copy the behaviors of other types of fish in the water! They use this tactic to confuse there predators. The Mimic Octopus is not very big and not known to be poisonous.

Mimic Octopus
(Image credit

The Mimic Octopus is a very interesting animal and can blend in with its surrounding like a chameleon.The area this octopus was first found was off the coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia by a group of scientists in the 1990's and was thought to only inhabit the islands of Indonesia. That theory was soon proved wrong by Diana Belton who spotted a Mimic Octopus on some sand near the Great Barrier Reef. This Octopus's maximum length 2 feet with tentacles up to 25 inches with a diameter of about the size of a pencil.